Sunday, May 24, 2009

This is little DeeGan KenMark Cowley as we know him now. We found out we were pregnant 11/19/08. I HAD NO IDEA I WAS EVEN PREGNANT!! I was only a couple of days late (not odd for me), and decided to randomly take a pregnancy test. I was cleaning up and totally forgot about it. Kacey was doing some SWAT training, so he wasn't even home. When I went back upstairs, I saw it sitting on the counter, glanced at it, and it said PREGNANT!! So i did a double take...and stared at it in disbelief! So what do i do...i immediately get in the car and drive to Harmon's to buy MORE pregnancy tests, because of course i didn't believe it! I called Kacey while at the store (thank goodness he answered) and proceeded to tell him what i was doing. He didn't believe me...
I bought 4 more pregnancy tests, drove home, and proceeded to take ALL OF THEM! Kacey made me wait until he got home to look at the results, and EVERY SINGLE ONE said we were pregnant!! We couldn't believe it, i think we were both in shock at first, but that shock soon turned to excitement!! We couldn't believe the time had finally come for us to welcome our first child into the world!
I wanted to immediately call my mom, but had always told myself when i got pregnant i would surprise them somehow with the news. SO, Kacey and I decided to wait to tell ANYONE until Christmas. It was the hardest thing i think i have ever done! I wanted to tell everyone and anyone, but had to keep it a secret until Christmas, and it was WELL WORTH THE WAIT.
I bought gifts for our parents to open. For our Mom's, i bought a Grandma's Package with lots of goodies inside, and for our Dad's i bought a Tool Belt that had diapers, wipes, powder it. We had them open them back to back and the looks on each of their faces were priceless. Thank goodness we recorded it!
DeeGan will also be the 1st grand baby on BOTH sides of the family, so you can imagine our excitement. We can't wait to meet you, our little peanut!


  1. I love hearing that story! It gets me choked up every time! We are so excited to meet this little guy!

  2. I am so glad to see you have started a blog. I started one a couple of months ago and I am having a blast with it. It is fun to check up on everybody and be updated instantly. It was fun to read about how you told your parents. Zach and I are very excited for you. You both will be great parents and we cant wait to see the baby!!!

  3. Im sorry I havnt called you yet to congratulate you on your little guy. I hope everything went well. I am so happy for both of you. We will try to get up to see you soon. Take care.

  4. Congrats, i can't wait to meet Deegan. I hope Christine and Terry have givin you our gift beause they have had it for a month and said they would deliver it to you! hope everything is going good and you guys are enjoying parenthood! hopefully we will come visit soon!
